Thursday, February 25, 2010

The "Brothers" have arrived

Look very, very carefully at the picture above -
had a good enough look? Move on down to the next picture....

That would be TC outside of the building - again look long and hard....

Do you recognize these fellas?

Almost the same folks ....

OK - what do you think that was? Read on
The boys and I had a full day in Savannah - well more like a half day but nevertheless we enjoyed seeing the town. On our way home the boys insisted we stop at a place they found yesterday called The Old School Diner. The pictures above are of that restaurant. Puffin n' Stuffin' was the smoking section of the restaurant. The gentlemen of color in the picture is the Chef himself! A wonderful, nice, funny, enchanting man. This place is unbelievable to say the least. The parking lot is carpeted - I'm not kidding. I wish I had a picture of the parking lot! The chef is from New York and opened up the place in 2005. Today we arrived right when it opened and the Chef saw us in the parking lot and he insisted on giving us the full tour. Why oh why didn't I take some pictures of the inside? The place is a house and he has a number of rooms set up for eating but he uses real furniture like you use in your house. Each room is different and everywhere - everywhere are pictures of the patrons. Chef is very proud of the fact that Ben Afflect has eaten has his establishment. The latest celebrity to frequent place is the football player from the Blind Side. On the outside the fence is made of old pallets. It looks like someone dropped a bomb and then instead of cleaning up they just called it a restaurant. Anyway the boys were very intrigued by this place and wanted me to see it. While on the way to the restaurant we saw about 30 fires on the side of the road. Bob said "We need to call someone about this" I said "It's a controlled burn" Bob said, "controlled burn? how come no one is here watching it? You better at least call Lin and have her call the someone." So I called Lin, she agreed with me but said she call the fire in just in case. While we were "visiting" the Old School sure enough we heard sirens. On our way home again Bob says "Don't you think we should stop and help?" I said "Look, I'm sure you have to have some kind of training before you go out and start fighting forest fires." Bob said "Bullshit. There are fires everywhere and they need help. Tim, pull over." So course it was the Clark Boys to the rescue. They just got out of the car, asked a man if he wanted help, grabbed shovels and started putting out the fire. The pictures below are of the boys fighting their first fire.

One of the fire trucks

Bob helping the other fire fighters - oh I forgot to
mention this is a volunteer fire department.

Bob helping with the hoses

TC & Taylor after they have finished saving lives
Well....saving the marsh land

Look closely and you will see TC & Taylor
working among the flames

Bob performing bravely for the cause

A picture of our brave men along with one of
the real trained boys who by the way is
named Sam Clark and he owns Clark Construction.

And that my good friends is a typical day on the Bluff.

p.s. on a side note - "The Brothers" are wearing me out! They are up at
6AM rockin' and ready to go, go, go. I've been on the Bluff
for six weeks now and I'm out of touch with the world.


  1. The Bluff will never be the same!

  2. Mary Lou - that was a funny damned story - you need to write a book!
